Using Obsidian - 13 February 2021

I’ve recently started using Obsidian for my notes. I was looking at Notion as a possible replacement for using a combination of OneNote and Google Keep but came across Obsidian and got hooked. Here are my thoughts after a month or so of using it.
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Porting done - 6 February 2021

I’ve done the hard work in porting the Wix blog files and images over to GitHub Pages. Please let me know if you see any bad links, poorly formatted code or the wrong image. Getting the code and the images across was by the far the hardest part - I’ll post about the process later.
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Road pricing - bursting the bubble (again) - 29 November 2020

This is a revised version of my earlier post, having considered responses to the original and having had a little time to order my thoughts more carefully. I had originally planned a Twitter thread on my thoughts but there is just too much to cover for that format. I am sure there are some logical, factual and theoretical errors, for which I apologise in advance. I suspect this will remain a work in progress, to...
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Just what you need to cheer you up - new (Shiny) visuals! - 25 July 2020

I’ve been thinking of moving away from Power BI for a while for several reasons. First, there’s nothing I like more than some change and learning a new package. Secondly, I felt that R just offers more flexibility when designing charts. So with that in mind, I’ve moved the visuals to Shiny, which is an app that enables you to publish your R work and make it interactive.
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Creating choropleth maps in R with ggplot2 - 12 June 2020

If there’s one thing I love, it’s maps (ok, that’s many things). Combined with data and computers and I’m in heaven. I put these notes together for work but I felt they’re worth sharing wider as there don’t seem to be many very easy to follow guides to UK choropleths in R.
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Road pricing - bursting the bubble - 14 May 2020

I know many of my friends/followers on Twitter are in favour of “smart” road user charging. As with most things in life I’m sceptical. I want to believe, I really do. But I don’t think it is the panacea people think it is.
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Some reading material - Power Query, Power BI and R - 13 August 2019

A quick list of some useful books on Power Query, Power BI (PBI) and R, with some very brief notes. Be warned that the PBI user interface has changed a lot over the past 12 months and that older books may be out of date, at least in terms of the look and feel, the underlying query language hasn’t changed as much.
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Coping with a different format - Richmond Park Surveys - 5 August 2019

Well, it had to happen didn’t it? The next traffic surveys, a bunch of slightly dated Richmond Park data, use a different layout. So this brings forward what I was thought I was going to do anyway - have separate tables for each input type and then merge together into the main tables. It also allows me to introduce several other features of Power Query/M - fill-down and merge. This is necessarily a long read...
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Reading traffic data into Power BI or Excel - part 3 - 26 July 2019

In Part 2 of this series, we read in the accompanying data, in this part I show you how to read the traffic data from the survey workbooks into our Power BI dataset. I’ve deliberately separated this out from the other data sources as this is more complex. We want to write the query in such a way that when we add a new survey, all we need to do is refresh the query without...
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Reading traffic data into Power BI or Excel - part 1 - 24 July 2019

OK, so reading the data into R was too much for you, is there an easier way? Yes! This post will introduce you to Power BI and its half-sister Power Query. This will be the first in a series of posts that will take you through the process of producing interactive charts on the Internet sitting on top of a scalable database.
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